Total receipts $738,503,770.41
Total contributions $549,594,250.46
Total individual contributions $549,580,640.18
Itemized individual contributions $315,170,951.00
Unitemized individual contributions $234,409,690.00
Party committee contributions $8,610.28
Other committee contributions $0.00
Presidential public funds $0.00
Candidate contributions $5,000.00
Transfers from other authorized committees $181,700,000.00
Total loans received $0.00
Loans made by candidate $0.00
Other loans $0.00
Total offsets to expenditures $7,130,282.59
Offsets to operating expenditures $7,130,282.59
Fundraising offsets $0.00
Legal and accounting offsets $0.00
Other receipts $79,237.36