Committee status indicators provide users with a quick way to determine whether a committee is active or terminated. These indicators appear on committee profile pages and reflect the committee’s status for each two-year period. They also appear in the global search and provide one quick way for users to distinguish between two similarly named committees.
<header class="main">
<h1 class="entity__name content__section--narrow">DCCC</h1>
<div class="heading--section">
<span class="t-data t-bold entity__type">
<span class="is-active-status">Active</span>
<span class="t-data t-bold entity__type">
Party - Qualified
<span class="t-data t-bold entity__type">ID: C00000935</span>
<!--This is example of committee status showing in live page. not code. -->
<p>Example for typeahead dropdown:</p>
<img class="" src="/components/is_active_typeahead.png" width="40%" alt="Is active typeahead image">
<header class="main">
<h1 class="entity__name content__section--narrow">DCCC</h1>
<div class="heading--section">
<span class="t-data t-bold entity__type">
<span class="is-active-status">Active</span>
<span class="t-data t-bold entity__type">
Party - Qualified
<span class="t-data t-bold entity__type">ID: C00000935</span>
<!--This is example of committee status showing in live page. not code. -->
<p>Example for typeahead dropdown:</p>
<img class="" src="/components/is_active_typeahead.png" width="40%" alt="Is active typeahead image">
/* No context defined. */